In this wallpaper collection, it is as if the nebulae of thousands of galaxies floating in airless space have blurred into a variegated mass.
SECO snatches us out of the closed system of the figurative world and instead takes us to new dimensions. To dimensions where the forms are obscured or given a new interpretation. Even if we don’t first understand the depth of SECO’s messages, it will still delight us with the most dazzling visuals. In this wallpaper collection, it is as if the nebulae of thousands of galaxies floating in airless space have blurred into a variegated mass. However, the cavalcade still doesn’t want to say too much, instead it remains solid and balanced. This is the first of Melograno Muro's collections, which also pays attention to the younger age group, as this collection also boasts children's patterned wallpaper.
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