
Colour variants

Recommended wallpaper material: VENTO


You have a question?

Our team is ready to help with your project.

Frequently Asked Questions

Our website is not a webshop. To order the product, contact us in one of the following ways:
Through the contracting form (gray request box)

The price per square meter of our general purpose wallcovering is 17,640ft / sqm gross, and our wallcovering for bathroom, and is 38,087ft / sqm gross.

Production will begin after the invoice has been settled, with a lead time of 2 days. The produced wallpapers are delivered within 7-10 working days.

Yes. This design can also be made with any color variation. In addition, you have the opportunity to realize your unique idea with our team.

Our wallpapers can be placed on floors and walls, both indoors and outdoors. Our Acqua Brutale material is suitable for bathrooms and outdoors. An installation guide can be downloaded after logging in.


Contact us to return your home to Eden!